by zoey Globe (

Released: 26/June/2022 at 07:10PM GMT+0

This is a quick blog post today, as a short update.

Before you worry, Iā€™m completely fine and healthy.

Iā€™ve been given an updated weight goal today, on reflections from an ultrasound at the hospital, and some advice from a doctor.

Dieting is very difficult, and exercise is even harder, for me, so I wonā€™t be losing any weight, Iā€™m very good at keeping my weight stable at a defined point, generally.

Iā€™ve been advised to make my way to 230lbs, and then stay there.

No, for many reasons, including disliking small portions and bland food.

But anyway, Iā€™ve been told thatā€™s how much I need to lose, to stay on the healthy side of being large, without it being a danger. This is absurd and impossible.

Thought thatā€™d be a laugh, from a doctors visit of mine, see you later.


Thatā€™s all for this post, thanks for reading! I wish you a great week.

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