by zoey Globe (

Released: 03/Jun/2023


Iā€™ve got a few nicknames on the internet, and my username- thereā€™s various ways to refer to me by name.

Thereā€™s Novi, Novimatrem, Novi-chan, among others.

While I do enjoy my username as a username, thatā€™s all it is. It is a handle to represent me on the internet.

I would strongly prefer it if you were to refer to me as who I am, with my name, zoey.

Thatā€™d just make things more happy and comfortable for me, during communications, and such.

Of course I wonā€™t be offended if you call me Novi, or Novimatrem, or whatever, thatā€™s my username, and I do like my username, obviously, thatā€™s why Iā€™m called it- itā€™d just be better for me to be referred to with my real name.



PS: and I know it sounds absurd, but if you type my real name, can you type it in lowercase please, (so,Ā Ā zoeyĀ )- thatā€™s more comforting for me, and less distressing. Sorry if thatā€™s odd sounding. The reason is because of past trauma, that I see the ā€œproperly-spelledā€ ā€˜Zoeyā€™ as negative and recall things Iā€™d rather forget. So, zoey it is, exclusively.


Thatā€™s all for this post, thanks for reading! I wish you a great week.

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