by zoey Globe (

Released: 07/July/2023 at 08:47AM

It is with great pleasure that I announce that I’m migrating back to Linux, after half a year without it. I will be migrating to Arch Linux, because it works better than Windows in many regards I deem important, now, compared to how it was 6 months ago. I can finally leave Windows once again.

My graphics card (an AMD RX 6700 XT) is working better on Arch than it does on Windows 10, now, as it seems the hardware compatibility concerns I was having since Christmas have been resolved, which is why I went with such a bleeding/cutting-edge distro as Arch, to ensure I got this resolved ASAP.

I will be backing up my data and making the move over the coming few days. Glad to be back.

That’s all for this post, thanks for reading! I wish you a great week.

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